FigJam UX Review: Crafting Creativity


Crédit by:Unplash 

In the ever-evolving realm of UI/UX design, the resonant echo of Figma's FigJam debut has reached even the most modest followers of this dynamic landscape. As avid design practitioners ourselves, we couldn't overlook this momentous release. Our daily toolkit has long featured stalwarts like Miro and Whimsical, inevitably adding layers of complexity and fiscal considerations. Thus, the allure of embracing Figma, not solely for UI design but also for the whiteboarding domain, beckons with undeniable charm.

The pivotal question emerges: Can FigJam truly unseat the reigning monarchs of whiteboarding tools in the market? This is the very question we posed to our coterie of designers. Without further ado, let us delve into their insights.

FigJam's Merits Unveiled

To facilitate a comprehensive appraisal, we've dissected this discourse into the dual dimensions of merits and demerits, charting a course toward an informed verdict. We commence our odyssey with commendable attributes.

1. Simplicity as Virtue: At first glance, a paucity of features might not strike one as an advantage. Yet, within the labyrinthine realm of tools such as Miro and Whimsical, known for their steep learning curves, simplicity emerges as a cherished gem. Particularly for fledgling users and the initiation of client collaborations, the absence of superfluous complexity proves a boon, expediting the learning curve with effortless grace.

2. In-House Insights: The entire interface exudes simplicity, a deceptive veil that conceals its innate power. Kudos for astutely delineating the MVP scope! The bottom panel, adorned with an array of user-friendly tools, offers an expedited navigation experience. With a limited spectrum of choices and a well-structured hierarchy, pinpointing the requisite tools is a breeze. Seamless interactions, a realm where Miro occasionally wavers, are the norm here."
The design, for the most part, unfurls with an intuitive finesse. All essential tools, thoughtfully assembled, await at the beckoning bottom panel."

Based on the perspectives of our accomplished designers, it is apparent that FigJam not only simplifies the lives of clients but also ushers in newfound ease for the seasoned denizens of Figma's domain.

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All of the essential tools are at the bottom panel.

2. Aesthetic Nuances Unveiled
In our contemplation of FigJam, we turn our discerning gaze toward its visual aesthetics, recognizing that while not paramount, they bear significance.

- The ethereal allure of FigJam lies in its subtle intricacies. The dotted grid, a tapestry of meticulous design, unfurls a visual symphony. Notably, it triumphs in the realm of speed, eclipsing the swiftness of Miro.

- The dotted grid's charm lies in its unassuming elegance. It neither imposes itself nor clamors for undue attention, striking a harmonious balance with just the right degree of opacity, ensuring seamless collaboration.

3. Infusing Personality

In the realm of user experience, the latitude to imbue one's personality into the digital tapestry often assumes the role of a subtle enhancer rather than a definitive deal-breaker. However, it is the subtleties that often orchestrate the transition from good to exceptional.

Here's how the avatar stamps look in-app.

- Personalization Unleashed: A delightful facet emerges in the form of avatars bedecked with stickers. FigJam revels in informality, transcending the bounds of conventional tools like Miro. This repository of stickers and components transforms it into the perfect instrument to break the ice and infuse workshops with an aura of mirth and engagement. Behold, the avatar stamps in their in-app splendor.

- The Emotive Stamp Tool: In the labyrinthine online landscape, discerning the nuanced emotions of a distant colleague can be an enigma. Enter the stamp tool, a beacon of digital emotions. While the concept of sharing sentiments digitally is not novel, FigJam's rendition adds a touch of sophistication to this age-old practice. Witness the mechanics of quick reactions in action.

- Animated Artistry: With the canvas as its stage, FigJam unfurls animated responses during button presses. This real-time choreography provides a panoramic view of one's disposition, inclination, or vocalization, serving as a beacon for action, commentary, or focus redirection. Such finesse in conveying intent is a testament to FigJam's commitment to facilitating fluid and expressive collaboration.

4. Empowering Workshops

Beyond its internal utility, the litmus test for FigJam's prowess lies in its application within the realm of workshops. The practicality of this tool in such a setting is of paramount significance.

Multifaceted Information Tagging: FigJam introduces a captivating method of information tagging through the medium of stickers, emotes, and stamps. This approach injects a multidimensional flavor into feedback mechanisms, voting procedures, and assorted workshop activities. Furthermore, the realm of animated cursor responses bears the potential to act as a catalyst for icebreaker activities, opening doors to creative engagement.

Authorship Clarity for Sticky Notes: A notable quality-of-life enhancement within FigJam is the clear demarcation of authorship for sticky notes. This seemingly minor feature holds the potential to significantly elevate the workshop experience, facilitating easy recall, summarization, and engagement tracking. Such nuanced tools bode well for seamless workshop orchestration.

5.Optimal Performance

In the theater of workshops, the specter of sluggish loading speeds and technical gremlins is the last thing one desires. Take Miro, for instance – it's no stranger to being the proverbial spanner in the works, causing workshops to grind to a frustrating halt.

Seamless Operations: In stark contrast to the ponderous Miro boards, FigJam gracefully sidesteps the quagmire of performance hiccups. Its operational cadence maintains an impressive fluidity.

Robust Reliability: FigJam exudes robustness that outshines Miro's penchant for disruptions, particularly when navigating the treacherous waters of VoIP and video calls.

In summation, it is eminently reasonable to assert that FigJam excels in the arena of smooth and uninterrupted performance, rendering it a commendable choice for workshop orchestration.

6. Harmonious with Figma: A Symbiotic Relationship

In the constellation of design tools, where Figma shines as one of the brightest stars alongside Sketch and Adobe products, its compatibility with other tools becomes a critical factor. For us, staunch proponents of Figma, the seamless integration of whiteboards and design files holds paramount importance.

Effortless Design Transfer: The elegant simplicity with which FigJam facilitates the copy/paste transfer of designs from Figma is a testament to its design prowess. Manipulating objects is a breeze, a far cry from the labyrinthine processes encountered in alternative applications.

Witness the Art of Pasting from Figma to FigJam:
    [Include Visual Demonstration]

A Glimpse of Consistency: Envision a future where a consistent working environment awaits us! The prospect of bidding farewell to the tedium of exporting and documenting post-workshop endeavors is indeed enticing. The ability to effortlessly copy and paste elements from FigJam into a conventional Figma file is a distinct advantage that promises to streamline our workflow.

Here's how you can paste images from Figma to FigJam.

Time Saved, Productivity Enhanced: The capability to seamlessly transfer created documents into Figma design files with a simple Ctrl-C command represents a monumental leap in efficiency. This time-saving maneuver elevates FigJam to a position of prominence in our toolkit, enhancing productivity and catalyzing creative collaboration.

7. Chromatic Adaptability and Accessibility

In the realm of FigJam, we encounter a facet pertaining to adaptive colors and accessibility that warrants scrutiny.

The Palette's Delicate Constraints:While the palette of available colors may seem somewhat restricted at first glance, it unveils a subtle chameleon-like quality when situated within its context. Notably, the shade of yellow shared by both cards and text in the color picker subtly undergoes a transformative metamorphosis when applied. The otherwise luminous yellow assumes a darker hue, an intentional design stratagem employed to bolster text legibility. This strategic contrast augmentation is a commendable choice, ultimately enhancing accessibility.

You can see the stats on the contrast here.

FigJam's Imperfections Unveiled
Having traversed the terrain of its merits, let us now navigate the domain of FigJam's shortcomings.

1. Navigational Complexities: The intricate dance of workshop boards often unfurls into sprawling expanses at a pace that borders on the prodigious. To illustrate this, consider the colossal expanse of a Miro board that we internally employ for the meticulous orchestration of our professional development endeavors.

Here's an example of a Miro board we use internally.

Navigational Challenges Unveiled
FigJam introduces certain navigational intricacies that require attention, unlike its counterpart.

Cartography Absent: Unlike its counterpart, FigJam lacks the convenience of a map, a crucial aid for seamless navigation. This absence poses a tangible challenge, particularly when navigating a vast board.

Zoomed Out, Lost Notes: An unfortunate drawback is the difficulty in quickly locating your notes when zoomed out. Navigating the expansive canvas demands a level of effort that could potentially impede fluid collaboration, especially on larger, more intricate boards.

Monetary Considerations
Another aspect deserving of scrutiny pertains to the cost implications associated with FigJam.

License Rigidity: While Miro extends the courtesy of sharing a board with guests even under a single license, FigJam, akin to Figma, necessitates the procurement of a license per editor for collaborative team use within a project. Regrettably, the "everyone with the link can edit it" option remains conspicuously absent, potentially exerting financial pressure, particularly when orchestrating workshops involving clients or sizable groups.

3. Performance Quirks Unveiled

While we lauded FigJam's operational smoothness, particularly in juxtaposition to Miro, it's prudent to acknowledge that perfection remains elusive. Herein lie some nuanced imperfections we've discerned:

Hand Tool Hesitation: Notably, a subtle but discernible input lag manifests when reactivating the hand tool with the spacebar, especially following its initial release and subsequent engagement.

Inaugural Canvas Initialization: A relatively tepid facet concerns the slightly extended load time encountered during the maiden canvas initialization in contrast to the expeditious pace of subsequent ones.

4. Baffling Patterns Unearthed

Amidst the FigJam tapestry, certain perplexing patterns have surfaced, warranting a closer examination:

Cursor Chat Enigma: An enigmatic element arises in the form of the cursor chat feature, which, regrettably, tends to traverse the realms of counterintuitiveness. Its usage leaves much to be desired in terms of user-friendliness and cohesive functionality.

A Chromatic Conundrum with Sticky Notes:

Within the realm of FigJam, a chromatic conundrum presents itself concerning the selection of colors for sticky notes, particularly before their placement on the canvas.

The intricacies deepen as we observe that while the drawing tool graciously offers a palette of options after selection, sticky notes are bereft of such a privilege, creating a disconcerting disparity.

Furthermore, a potential pitfall looms in the form of the shape selector, which, at an initial glance, might be misconstrued as a color palette, entangling users in a web of confusion.


5. Lacking Quality-of-Life Enhancements:

In our FigJam exploration, we've encountered a few noteworthy Quality-of-Life (QoL) features conspicuously absent from the landscape:

Link Copying Longing: A convenient feature notably missing is the ability to easily copy links associated with notes or shapes, a seemingly simple but practical addition.

Timer Void: Another void that beckons is the absence of an in-built timer. In the realm of workshops and collaborative activities, time constraints are often imperative. The reliance on third-party applications for this essential function introduces an element of inconvenience, which could be rectified with an integrated timer feature.

Additional Notations

In addition to the aforementioned insights, it's worth noting that the templates within FigJam possess a dynamic quality. Each template encompasses not only a static structure but also a repository of supplementary examples and elucidations that illuminate their intended utilization. This fluidity adds a layer of versatility to FigJam's template ecosystem, enriching the user experience.

An Intriguing Tidbit: Skeuomorphism Resurrected

Within the FigJam ecosystem, a rather fascinating tidbit emerges – the revival of skeuomorphic elements for tools. Designers have breathed new life into a trend that once found favor on platforms like Dribbble, although its resonance in actual product design had been less pronounced.

One notable instance of this resurgent approach is evident in the design of the pencil tool.

Furthermore, the FigJam experience extends the courtesy of swift bug reporting and issue resolution. It is our hope that the FigJam team's agility in addressing these concerns matches the alacrity of their users. Additionally, an appreciated touch lies in the connector seamlessly adhering to shapes during their repositioning, adding a layer of elegance to the interface.

In Conclusion

FigJam has undeniably made a resounding entrance into the realm of design, and we're pleased to report that the buzz surrounding it is far from hollow. While it may not have attained perfection in its present iteration, it unquestionably boasts a level of usability that renders it a valuable tool.

The pivotal question remains: Can FigJam ascend to the throne, displacing stalwarts like Miro or Whimsical? The answer is nuanced and contingent upon your existing design toolkit. If you're already entrenched in the Figma ecosystem, the migration beckons with compelling reasons. However, for those ensconced in the realms of Sketch or Adobe products, a trial sojourn into FigJam's domain may be the prudent course of action, allowing you to ascertain its suitability firsthand.

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